About Me

I’m a software engineer with web development skills who has more than 3 years of experience in this field. I’m currently looking for a job as a software developer either as a frontentd, backend or fullstack. Perfect management of JS/TS and frameworks related to these languages. Additionally, I have knowledge in Python. As a future Senior Developer, I am looking for an innovative company here in Mexico, where I can leverage my creativity and problem-solving skills to make an impact in people’s lives.


Bachelor Degree

2018 - 2022
Universidad de Colima

Facultad de Telemática - Software Engineer.

Programming using Python.

Universidad de Colima

Python programming and introduction of data analytics. https://bit.ly/4duzdFS

Scrum Fundamentals Certified.

SCRUMstudy - Accreditation Body for Scrum and Agile


React Native Developer

May 2024



Software engineer

Feb 2021 - Present

Developed and designed mobile-friendly e-commerce and Website using React.js, consuming an API to display real-time data and utilizing CI/CD for efficiency. Managed projects with JIRA and version control.

React Native Developer

Dec 2023 - May 24
Bright Coders, Mexico

Develop native applications with technologies such as Javascript and React Native, while implementing good practices, test-based development, tools for managing local and remote repositories. In addition to developing fundamental skills in software development such as teamwork and effective communication using an agile methodology.

Frontend developer

Aug 22 - Dec 23

Developed a SaaS platform for hardware stores with point-of-sale, billing, and data management capabilities. I used TypeScript and ReactJS, integrating microservices in AWS. Scrum with Jira was implemented for project management, and CI/CD on GitHub for agile code delivery.

Fullstack developer

Agu 21 - Feb 22
Secretaría de Salud Colima

Development of a payroll management system for SSC workers, which consisted of a backend in Express with MySQL, and on the front end, ReactJS along with libraries such as Material UI and ReactBootstrap.

Web developer

Feb 21 - Aug 21
FEC (Federación de Estudiantes Colimenses)

Update of the FEC website with a ‘mobile-first’ approach using CodeIgniter, JQuery, and Bootstrap. Improved performance and design, also added new features to meet the needs of students and administrators.

Technical Skills


Dreyfus stage and experience

Javascript, TypeScript

Expert (4 years)

Python, PHP

Competent (1 year)

Cloud Services AWS

Competent (2 year)


Expert (3+ years)

GIT (GitHub, GitLab, GitHub Actions)

Expert (4 years)

SASS, Material UI, Bootstrap, JQuery

Expert (3+ years)

UI/UX design (Figma, AdobeXD, AxureRP)

Expert (4 years)

React Native

Competent (6 months)

Node.js, ExpressJS, Sequelize

Competent (1+ years)

Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase)

Competent (2 years)